Home Archive Blizzard Releases New Hearthstone Trailer, Open Beta Now Available in All Regions

Blizzard Releases New Hearthstone Trailer, Open Beta Now Available in All Regions

by GH Staff

Almost a week ago, Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft officially went into its Open Beta stage. However, the change was only available to players in the US region. Today with the release of a new trailer, Blizzard have opened the Tavern for all players of the world that want to join the ever changing card collecting experience.

With its easy to learn, yet sophisticated gameplay Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft has quickly gained popularity ever since its announcement at the 2013 Penny Arcade Expo. Planned to be released later this year, the game was in a closed beta for over 5 months, later to go into an Open Beta stage in the US region, followed by European release two days after. Today, Blizzard officially announced that the game is available to all regions with the release of a new game trailer featuring gameplay footage as well as some of the cinematic from the original trailer.

A mobile version of Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft for Android and iOS has also been announced, expected to be released later this year.

Everyone who has joined the beta, but has trouble getting the hang of the game’s strategy can read our helpful starter’s guides here. ‘But of course, you could forget all that and just have fun!’
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