Home Archive Tetris Ultimate: Release Date Announcement at Pax Prime?

Tetris Ultimate: Release Date Announcement at Pax Prime?

by GH Staff

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of an international iconic puzzle game, Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov and Ubisoft developers invites Pax Prime visitors to join their panel at the Hedgehog theatre in Seattle, Washington. Scheduled for Sunday afternoon, the Tetris: The Video Game That Changed The World panel will examine the franchise’s global impact, memorable history, and future plans. These upcoming events and projects will include the anticipated Tetris Ultimate.

Ultimate will feature several new modes and arrive on the latest generation consoles (PlayStation 4 and XBox One) as digital downloads this hot summer. However, nobody knows when the release date is for this classic game, until these Pax Prime attendees and journalists share. After all, why would the creator, vice president for the marketing at Tetris Online, producer, and the game designers gather at one place at this convenient time when we’re so close to the summer’s end?

Already, the developers have already announced that handheld (Nintedo 3DS and PlayStation Vita) and personal computer owners will also experience this innovative project in the fall. In the end, attendees will have a great opportunity to participate in a live game competition against the Tetris Ultimate development team. Will readers join the competition? How about downloading this revamp entity?

For more information about this scheduled convention, please visit the official page. For more details about the latest project, visit the official website.

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