Home Archive Dayz Standalone: What does the future hold?

Dayz Standalone: What does the future hold?

by GH Staff

Steams top seller with over two million copies sold in just six months have left their fans disappointed and uncertain of what the future holds for the game. DayZ Standalone an unforgiving zombie apocalypse survival game based off of the mod Dayz for Arma2 is still nowhere near completion!

Almost after a year of early access release the game has little noticeable progression.  Unlike the mod, Dayz Standalone is a colossal deserted map filled with easy to kill zombies and bloodthirsty players that follow the motto “hunt or be hunted!” The biggest danger in the game is not the zombies but the players and is very RDM based.

Dayz just announced their confirmed PS4 release which has put some fans in an uproar due to the fact that they have neglected the PC development.. Many fans have asked for a refund and many were denied, being told that they’ve been warned that it’s an early development game and that it’s to be expected.

If you haven’t already heard the creator of Dayz, Dean Hall will be stepping down and leaving to make his own company.

Hall called himself a grenade with a specific use. “I’m really good at risk-taking and making other people take risks,” he said. “I’ve always been good at that in my life. Like you say, maybe I’ve got the gift of the gab, so I can talk, I can explain something, I can talk people up to the ledge and get them to jump off it.”

“But eventually, that’s the bad person to have. Eventually, you don’t want the guy telling you to go over the top and get through. So at some point I’ll be a disaster for the project, at least in a leadership role.

Perhaps his departure is related to the realization that he has taken on too much, and wont be able to deliver all of the promises made for DayZ Standalone.

 Did Dayz take a bigger bite then they could chew? Will they live up to their promises? Will this slow development drive people away from the game causing it to fall into the dark depths of Steams once popular games or will it thrive and stay at the top?