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Battlefield 4 Dev says Fixing Netcode Issues is “Top Priority”

by GH Staff
Battlefield 4 Dev says Fixing Netcode Issues is "Top Priority"

Battlefield 4 developer DICE has announced that fixing Battlefield 4’s “netcode issues” will be the studio’s top priority; its aim is to ensure that the modern-day shooter will “perform optimally for everyone.”

“We at DICE are committed to improving the overall Battlefield 4 multiplayer experience for our players,” stated DICE in a blog post on its official Battlefield website. “Some issues, commonly referenced in conjunction to ‘netcode’ are preventing Battlefield 4 from performing optimally for everyone.

In its blog post, DICE address the problems that these netcode issues create for Battlefield 4 players, stating that the studio will be working on fixing glitches, the way the player moves and shoots, the feedback when you’re hit, and so on. So far, DICE states that it has fixed problems regarding latency compensation – decreasing issues of “one hit kills” in the game – as well as several issues related to rubber banding. “Latency compensation” is DICE’s way of making sure players can still move around naturally on your screen whilst Battlefield 4’s servers update. “Rubber banding” is when latency during multiplayer is relatively high, which is basically just “lag”.

DICE is currently working on fixing several more issues, and have detailed said issues in its blog post on the matter. This list comprises of what DICE will be working on to fix for Battlefield 4, as well as what it has fixed already. Some of the upcoming fixes for issues include Battlefield 4’s kill camera delay, instant death while sprinting, kill cards showing 0 health and hit impact sounds to name a few. Other fixes, such as issues for damage not registering, Battlefield 4’s tickrate and, of course, rubber banding, will be dished out once the trigger for the respective problems have been identified and.

For more information on what issues DICE will be fixing, head on over to its blog post on the official Battlefield website.